Programming 2 with Java

Exercise: Company Printing

The program CompanyPrinting allows the employees of a Company to be written to a file in different formats (CSV, JSON, XML).
  1. Implement a functional interface EmployeePrinting with a method that takes an employee and a print writer as arguments.
  2. Replace the existing print methods by methods that can write a single employee to a print writer in a specific format.
  3. Implement a template method printEmployees that opens a file, iterates over the given employees and writes them into the file. The method has the following parameters:
    • format - the printing format
    • header - the first line to be written
    • footer - the last line to be written
    • delimiter - the line to be inserted between two employees
    • employeePrinting - the function that can print a single employee
  4. In the main method call the template method with appropriate parameters.
