Java Web Applications

Todo REST Service (Interface)

The objective of this exercise is to implement a REST interface of a todo service.


  1. Extract the template project
  2. Implement the servlet TodoListServlet that holds a global todo list and supports the following REST requests (see also OpenAPI Definition):
    • GET /api/todos returns all todos of the list
    • GET /api/todos?category={category} returns the todos of the specified category
    • GET /api/todos/{id} returns the todo with the specified identifier
    • POST /api/todos adds a todo to the list
    • PUT /api/todos/{id} updates the todo with the specified identifier
    • DELETE /api/todos/{id} deletes the todo with the specified identifier
    Make sure to return appropriate status codes, especially in case of error.
  3. Use the factory ObjectMapperFactory to create an object mapper and use it to convert Java objects to JSON and vice versa.
  4. (Optional) Verify that the media type headers Content-Type and Accept are set correctly and return an appropriate error response if not.
  5. Use the Postman application to test the REST service.
